Earth, third planet from star,
also known in our galaxy as the Sun.


William Jackson

{ The Official Site }

I am a Sentient Being, having the ability of self-awareness,
intentionality, reason, ability to feel, sense, perceive,
while incorporating objectivity and subjectivity
in the experiencing and living of my Life.


A social activist, futurist, journalist, philosopher, Humanist, and defender of unalienable rights, including
of these rights by our Federal, State, and
local Governments of the, united States, of (*America)

as they should be, as articulated in the Declaration
of Independence
Thomas Jefferson, in the preamble.


In an effort to establish a more perfect union, world, and
life, I endeavor to raise awareness of what is and what
can be, and encourage implementation of what is best.


“Faith is taking the first step even when
you don't see the whole staircase.”

“In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies,
but the silence of our friends.”

“Life's most persistent and urgent question is,
'What are you doing for others?'”

— Martin Luther King

A nation that is afraid to let its people
judge the truth and falsehood in an open market
is a nation that is afraid of its people.

“I look forward to a great future for America - a future in which our
country will match its military strength with our moral restraint,
its wealth with our wisdom, its power with our purpose.”

“I'm an idealist without illusions.”

— John  Kennedy

Monistic and religious idealism

Monistic idealism holds that consciousness, not matter, is the
ground of all being. It is monist because it holds that there is
only one type of thing in the universe and idealist because
it holds that one thing to be, consciousness.

Anaxagoras (480 BC) was known as "Nous" ("Mind") because
he taught that "all things" were created by Mind, that Mind held
the cosmos together and gave human beings a connection
to the cosmos or a pathway to the divine.

Many religious philosophies are specifically idealist. The belief
that beings with knowledge (God/s, angels & spirits)
preceded insentient matter seems to suggest that
an experiencing subject is a necessary reality.

Together we are more; please donate.


**************** Thank You


Political freedom, or political agency, is a central concept in
Western history and political thought, and one of the most
important (real or ideal) features of democratic societies.

It has been described as a relationship free of oppression or coercion;
the absence of disabling conditions for a particular group or individual
and the fulfillment of enabling conditions; or the absence of economic
compulsion. Although political freedom is often interpreted negatively
as the freedom from unreasonable external constraints on action, it
can also refer to the positive exercise of rights, capacities and
possibilities for action, and the exercise of social or group rights.

The concept can also include freedom from "internal" constraints on
political action or speech (e.g. social conformity, consistency, or
"inauthentic" behavior.) The concept of political freedom is closely
connected with the concepts of civil liberties and human rights, which in
democratic societies are usually afforded legal protection from the state.

{ Also known as, Freethought }

'Free thought', is a philosophical viewpoint that holds that opinions should
be formed on the basis of science, logic, and reason, and should not
be influenced by authority, tradition, or other dogmas. The cognitive
application of, 'free thought', is known as 'freethinking', and
practitioners of, 'free thought', are known as, freethinkers.

"Some men see things as they are and say "why."
I dream things that never were and say "why not."
— Robert  Kennedy

"The purpose of life is to contribute in
some way to making things better."
— Robert  Kennedy

"Some people see things as they are and ask why.
I see things as they can be and ask, why not?"
— Robert  Kennedy

“Injustice anywhere is
a threat to justice everywhere.”

— Martin Luther King



Finally, whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the World, ask of us the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on Earth, God’s work must truly be our own.

— John  Kennedy

{The last paragraph of President John Kennedy's Inaugural Address. - 01.20.1961}

"Don't blindly believe what I say. Don't believe me because others convince you of my words. Don't believe anything you see, read, or hear from others, whether of authority, religious teachers or texts.

Don't rely on logic alone, nor speculation. Don't infer or be deceived by appearances. Do not give up your authority and follow blindly the will of others. This way will lead to only delusion.

Find out for yourself what is truth, what is real. Discover that there are virtuous things and there are non-virtuous things. Once you have discovered for yourself give up the bad and embrace the good."


This planet in space, third planet from its sun, is called Earth, and it is alive, teeming with incredible life, and part of this life includes, Humans, human beings, the peoples of Planet Earth, these people all have full rights, privileges, and duties to one and all.

Yes, such life that can be seen from its neighboring planets in the darkness of seemingly infinite, endless, space.

Let this Life, these People, this Earth, shine from within the darkness, to cast the light of life, for all to see.

William Jackson




William Jackson


Rights of



and the

Pursuit of Happiness

First human-built object to leave our Solar System

The Pioneer plaques are a pair of gold-anodized aluminum plaques which were placed on board the 1972 Pioneer 10 and 1973 Pioneer 11 spacecraft, featuring a pictorial message, in case either Pioneer 10 or 11 are intercepted by extraterrestrial life. The plaques show the nude figures of a human male and female along with several symbols that are designed to provide information about the origin of the spacecraft.

The Pioneer spacecraft were the first human-built objects to leave, the/(our), Solar System. The plaques were attached to the spacecraft's antenna support struts in a position that would shield them from erosion by stellar dust.


RAINLNMV.GIF (4491 bytes)

We want change that we can see is fair!

Crowd outside the Bank of England

RAINLNMV.GIF (4491 bytes)



Music - Word - Visual Event
in Sacramento, California

Books - Pod Casts - Pictures - Video - ...........

If you wish to help or need help, please email:

Speak Up! - Do Something! - Be Concerned!

Do something so that the following does not happen.

First they came for the unapproved religious books, and I didn't speak up because I was not concerned.

Then they came for the unapproved Religious, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't an unapproved Religious.

Then they came for the Socialists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Socialists.

Then they came for the Unionists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Unionist.

Then they came for the Homeless, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't Homeless.

Then they came for me - and no one spoke up because, no one was concerned .......................

William Jackson, the documentarian has finished the DVD

'This is what Collateral Damage Looks Like'

'This is what Collateral Damage Looks Like'

 is now available for screening

Quest The Path


William Jackson is currently in the process of
editing one of his new Documentaries on the
Geopolitics of 3rd Planet.

Enter Cyberspace ...............


Together we are more.



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